
Hovanec – Internationale Transporte GmbH

Your qualified partner for transport from east to west

We are a young and dynamic company established on 01.01.1996
The headquarters of the company is in
42719 Solingen,
Focher Str. 71a

Data and Facts

More than 25 years ago we started off as a forwarding agent for truck loads from and to Easter Europe.
With the expansion of the European Union and the Schengen Agreement the borders have been removed and the terms and conditions of road transport were redefined.
This had broadened our horizon and laid new paths – we have increased our range of services to all of Europe.

Our team is formed of workers who have professional knowledge as well as knowledge of cultural differences, and can therefore quickly respond to market demands.

business volume in Mio.2,73,24,36,28,67,99,59,87,89,111,212,3

“Wir arbeiten ausschließlich auf Grundlage der Allgemeinen Deutschen Spediteurbedingungen (ADSp), jeweils neueste Fassung.
Bei internationalen Transporten / grenzüberschreitenden Transporten gilt das zwingende Recht der CMR. Die gesetzlichen Grundlagen sind auf unserer Seite zur Ansicht und Druck bereitgestellt.”